We Believe In Fair Play
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Seminar “Compliance with Competition Regulations”

In cooperation with Confindustria Serbia on 12 March 2024 we held a competition seminar at our offices exclusively for members of the Confindustria Serbia.

Our experts in the field of competition law Darija Ognjenović, Partner and Tijana Lalić, Partner gave a presentation on the subject of Compliance with Competition Regulations and the main topics included:

  • Legal framework;
  • Forms of infringements of competition, sanctions and exemptions from prohibition;
  • Vertical restrictive agreements (agreements on prices and conditions of sale, exclusive sale);
  • Cartel agreements (agreements and exchange of information);
  • Examples from the practice of the Commission for Protection of Competition;
  • Dawn Raid.

We are very proud that Prica & Partners is an active member of Confindustria Serbia and we look forward to hosting again some of its events and projects in the future.












Darija Ognjenović

Tijana Lalić