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Ultime Novita’

Monthly meeting of the Slovenian Business Club

Prica & Partners recently hosted a highly successful international meeting of the Slovenian Business Club ( This was held on March 04, 2010 at the Hotel Continental in Belgrade.

The Slovenian Business Club is an association of Slovenian business persons who conduct operations here in Serbia. Our office has a long history of cooperation with the SBC and on this occasion we were delighted to host the event.

Speakers included our Managing Partner Mihajlo Prica and our distinguished colleague from Ljubljana, Srečo Jadek of Jadek & Pensa. Mr Jadek described the ideals behind the Lawyers and Friends SE European Legal Network (WWW.LAWYERSANDFRIENDS.COM), of which we are proud members.

Aleksandar Mančev, the head of our Real Estate team, addressed the audience elaborating on Planning and Construction Law.

We were pleased to introduce a special guest speaker, Ms N. Mesarović, who is the President of the Serbian Supreme Court. She took the opportunity to acquaint the participants with recent changes on the Law on Civil Procedures.

A significant number of Slovenian business persons operating in Serbia chose to attend along with many others, providing us with an excellent opportunity to establish valuable contacts with some of the leading companies and their representatives in the region.


Mihajlo Prica