Belgrade International Antitrust Conference
Lawyers and Friends Conference “Antitrust Laws in Western Balkans – Following the EU path?” took place in Belgrade on May 26, 2010 at the beautiful settings of the Yugoslav Theatre of Drama
We think that everyone associated with Lawyers and Friends Conference “Antitrust Laws in Western Balkans – Following the EU path?” that Prica & Partners had the pleasure to host, will agree that it was a truly outstanding success and that they can be very proud of the significant contributions they made.
Almost everyone who had indicated an interest in the event attended which not only made for a very impressive turnout but provided a superb forum for the exchange of opinions and insights regarding the important topics highlighted by the Conference.
The Speakers were erudite, engaging and clearly well prepared, providing thus the audience with the very best of the legal thoughts on competition issues today. They all helped contribute enormously to a wonderful and memorable event and to them we extend our unreserved thanks and good wishes.
After the main business of the day there was time for our guests to relax at the wonderful evening reception held at the Kalemegdanska terasa. Once again the many attendees from various nations made for an extremely lively and interesting event.